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Les Talons Gitans
To the single on Spotify, on Apple Music, on Deezer
“Put the Pony”
August 2020
It is THE right time to release a brandnew, happy and feel good song into the world. “Put the Pony” is a typically Belgian surrealist song with Peter Sellers like, abstract French-English Be-Pop-A-Lula lyrics.
To the album on Spotify, on Apple Music, on Deezer
“Gimme No”
April 2019
After Anni Versaire, L’amour sans Pédales and Viel Indien, Alain Louie felt the time had come to do some English songs and release them on an EP titled GIMME NO.
Dandy New York bikers and dream images of football in Brazil. Incorrigible would be bad boys and porn actrices teasing you with Paul Anka’s music. Off to the Balkan, to Elvis psychopaths and the ever young but shy seducer called Bob.
GIMME NO is a political statement: we’ve had it with the endless crap about left, right, top, bottom and center. At the same time, it has the typically Belgian surreal uniqueness of Smokey mama-mia Americano that bears the gift of putting everything in perspective.
Tease Ya - 2. Gimme No - 3. Dobre Pica - 4. New York Man - 5. Porno Bitch - 6. Fools in Brazil - 7. Bob