Contact & Pricing


How much?

One full studio Fandango day equals 500€. Take that as a basis, everything else is negotiable: only need half a day, an evening? Let’s discuss!

The only additional cost is for catering: we take care of coffee and breaks, all drinks and a homemade meal, in return for 15€ per person per day.

Indicated prices are 21% VAT excluded.


What is a day?

We define a day as a good amount of time in which you, your band and the engineer feel comfortable working. We prefer to do the set-up the evening before recordings, so that we’re all set on the day itself and everyone is relaxed. Most sessions usually start around 10.00 a.m. and continue until that day’s work is done, or until everyone is tired.



Contact us

For information regarding recordings at Studio Fandango, you can fill in the form or contact Dirk Lekenne by e-mail: or by phone: +32 486 07 75 04

For information regarding the Fandango Music Label, publishing and for commercial recordings & projects, you can contact Els Marivoet by e-mail: or by phone: +32 478 28 31 49.

Studio Fandango Music
Malendriesstraat 138A
3370 Kerkom - Boutersem

VAT: BE0818 183 419


Studio Fandango Location

Studio Fandango is located in Boutersem, close to Leuven and a 30 minutes’ drive from Brussels. There is parking space in front of the studio, which is situated on the ground floor (no stairs).


GPS advice: insert Boskouterstraat 2B instead of our address (Malendriesstraat 138A, 3370 Boutersem). Once you are there, drive up the small street which ends at the studio, you can’t miss it. You can easily park in front.

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